p/s: kau ciptakan lagu tanpa cinta.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Friday, November 16, 2012
waktu uitm beri cuti aidiladha seminggu itu hari,aku tak berapa nak enjoy sangat.memang barai habis cuti aku dgn assignment yg bagaikan tidak mahu berenggang.asyik nak berkepit siang malam sampai mimpi berjalan dibuatnya. ah stop cerita pasal assingment bukan ade mende menarik pun. paling-paling kene reject lagi
oh ya semenjak dua menjak nih asyik hujan saja,pagi hujan,malam hujan.tapi aku suka.lena tidur mcm pakai pampers.tapi bila selalu sangat, sistem imunisasi aku pun tak memberi kerjasama dengan baik .sengal-sengal tubuh badan.seram sejuk je.nak-nak waktu kelas air-cond,pergh,pegang pen pun rase mcm terpegang anak teruna org.menggigil.serius tak syok wo kalau demam,kepala ting tong je.
aku mengadu kt syarifah.die kate biasalah tu suhu tak menentu.nak-nak pula kelas pada hari itu dari pukul 8.30 pagi hingga ke 5.00 ptg.tak ke pening kepala memikirkannya.tapi dalam pukul 9 pagi macam tuh aku da start sakit tekak,fishball yang aku beli kat cafe pun aku pakat derma ikhlas kat classmate,tak boleh nak telan padahal lapar tahap bosnia. tapi seperti biasa berlagak kool. siap boleh bergurau senda lagi.petang tuh aku ade test midterm so nak tak nak mmg aku kene attend.dalam kepala dah terbayang-bayang katil je.nampak toto pink aku kalau lari sikit imaginasi,terselit sekali patung spongebob yang elok duduk kat sisi katil member aku.
tetapi malangnya.dalam pukul 4 ptg camtu aku dapat kabar buruk,kelas dilanjutkan sampai ke malam.lecturer nak cover dua chapter terus.tak ke tahi namanya itu! badan dah tak boleh blah rasa die.gua mmg carik port tersorok je nak menangis.
nak dipendekkan cerita,esoknya aku kene ke pangkor sebab ade program.kalau dah demam sehari sebelum,ape kes?aku ni kalau demam style takkan bangkit dari katil punye.mmg selubung pocong sepanjang hari beb.tetapi ntah macammne kelas malam boleh kensel,aku cepat-cepat call mak aku datang.
mmg aku nekad nak amik injection je.
setibanya klinik seksyen 7.aku terus mendaftarkan diri di kaunter.nasib baik itu hari tak ramai pesakit.tanpa menunggu lame nama aku dipanggil..ding dong farah wahidah..farah wahidah .macam kat airport.
masuk-masuk je.alamak doktor laki ke.cis,camno aku nak mintak injection ni?aku kool dulu.biar die check aku dulu.
doktor: sakit ape?
err,rase mcm demam.
doktor tersebut terus periksa.die suh tarik nafas lepas tarik nafas lepas.
dengan fikiran yang agak berkecamuk, tunggang langgang aliran pernafasan.
doktor: ha.ah.panas nih!
aku: saya nak inject ye.
doktor: kenapa?
aku: sebab esok nak pegi pangkor.
doktor: haa??
aku: eh,esok ade program so tak boleh tak attend dan destinasinya di pangkor.
doktor: oh.
doktor tu terus suruh aku baring atas katil sementara beliau ingin menyediakan bahan-bahan .aku dah cemas,jangan kate die yang inject weh!mak tak rela.huwa.
aku: eh,inject kat mane?
soalan tak macam student degree.bangang sungguh!
doktor: bontot
muka die wa cakap lu memang takde perasaan.
err!doktor perempuan takde ke?
doktor: takpe,staff saye yang buat.die perempuan.
sengih je ah.
wahidah,aku rasa kau patut berhenti memalukan diri sendiri sekarang.
keluar dari klinik aku ajak mak dan along makan di Ombak. dalam sibuk menjamu selera,baru aku perasan yang badan aku dah cergas seperti biase..peluh-peluh dah kua.lega. pergh.the power of injection.lepas ni kalau demam aku tibai inject je settle.
sampai je pangkor aku berkejar tengok bilik.siap ade bath tub.mmg kuak lentang la jawabnya!
Friday, September 28, 2012
girl who talk.
sekejap saje dah nak masuk tiga minggu aku mengabdikan diri di uitm shah alam. aku mula mendaftar kolej pada hari sabtu pagi dgn hanya membawa offer letter,sijil dan x-ray yang tak pernah diminta hingga ke hari ini.hal ini masih lagi menjadi tanda tanya.apakah uitm ingat aku pergi buat x-ray tuh percuma atau mendapat tajaan company nestle? bercucuran air mata wanita aku waktu nurse bagi bill yang tertulis amount rm57.nilai mata wang yang pada hemat aku bisa mengaburi mata dan jiwa rakan-rakan aku yang dahagakan duit ptptn yang masih belum kunjung tiba.
tidak pernah aku sangka yang begitu ramai anak gadis seusia aku begitu teruja ingin melanjut kan pengajian mereka ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi.bukan setakat anak.sekali dengan makbapak atok nenek diangkutnya.peluk-peluk tangkap syahdu sume siap!heh macam anak nak pergi belajar agama kat Sudan .anak-anak pun satu hal, depan parent je sedih,elok orang tua blah,mereka sibuk berWhatsApp ajak karaoke kat Plaza Perangsang.
blok kolej jgn cakaplah padatnya.mampat mcm tahu sumbat.aku yg tak bawak apa-apa ni terpaksalah mengalah terkepit ke tepi dinding yang dipenuhi dgn ayat-ayat kesat kerana tak lepas balik hujung minggu lantaran ada aktiviti insaniah yang perlu dihadiri.dari ground floor sehingga ke 4th floor menyelit je lah.oh ya.aku dapat bilik tingkat EMPAT.pergh,dah qualify utk join jadi body builder.lepas ni kalau kene bambu dengan lecturer pun hati kental je.tahan lasak katanya. aku tgk keadaan bilik takdelah mcm kem tentera.bolehlah nak dibuat tempat berteduh.tapi katil jarak-jarak.dapat ke aku mmg modified abis semua.gila kau nak tido jarak-jarak.aku ni dahlah elegik dgn paranormal.
hari pertama sesi pembelajaran aku dah datang lambat.check jadual kelas, malam sebelum lagi.die tulis kelas kat menara.aku dah nampak dua ketul menara betul-betul depan bilik aku.esok pagi semangat satu macam aku nak ke kelas.siap jalan pun depan sekali mcm expert tahu jalan.sekali terserempak dgn ex senior waktu kat uitm melaka.die cakap menara aku jauh.kene naik bas.
taknak beratus pulak bas dalam uitm ni.dah lah tak tahu menara itu secara spesifiknya kat mana.mmg main gila.bila tiba di destinasi yang ingin dituju.menganga mulut pandang bukit ...sejak bila aku ada minor subjek hiking ni?tinggi wa cakap lu.penat pakai baju kurung comey-comey,aku pandang kaki,fuh mujur pakai sandal,kalau dibuatnya kami pakai kasut tinggi mmg berpontensi besar dpt cancer tumit.
tapi basically kelas aku semua kat faculty.kalau tidak mmg cukup satu sem aku quit.kawen muda je lah.sem ini aku ade 9 subject.dalam otak dah lah separuh hati je nak buat degree. tapi bila da nak sambung macam-macam hal pun nak jadi.dorang mmg suka mainkan hati dan perasaan aku.tidak kah mereka tahu yang aku ini berjiwa halus mcm bapok.waktu nak reg course bukan main susah sampai kene ulang alik pergi office fac.
staff kat fac tu hari-hari mengadap muka aku yang comey nih kalau boleh buat jatuh cinta takpe jugak,ini naik muak ada lah!
tiba-tiba rindu uitm melaka.
tidak pernah aku sangka yang begitu ramai anak gadis seusia aku begitu teruja ingin melanjut kan pengajian mereka ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi.bukan setakat anak.sekali dengan makbapak atok nenek diangkutnya.peluk-peluk tangkap syahdu sume siap!heh macam anak nak pergi belajar agama kat Sudan .anak-anak pun satu hal, depan parent je sedih,elok orang tua blah,mereka sibuk berWhatsApp ajak karaoke kat Plaza Perangsang.
blok kolej jgn cakaplah padatnya.mampat mcm tahu sumbat.aku yg tak bawak apa-apa ni terpaksalah mengalah terkepit ke tepi dinding yang dipenuhi dgn ayat-ayat kesat kerana tak lepas balik hujung minggu lantaran ada aktiviti insaniah yang perlu dihadiri.dari ground floor sehingga ke 4th floor menyelit je lah.oh ya.aku dapat bilik tingkat EMPAT.pergh,dah qualify utk join jadi body builder.lepas ni kalau kene bambu dengan lecturer pun hati kental je.tahan lasak katanya. aku tgk keadaan bilik takdelah mcm kem tentera.bolehlah nak dibuat tempat berteduh.tapi katil jarak-jarak.dapat ke aku mmg modified abis semua.gila kau nak tido jarak-jarak.aku ni dahlah elegik dgn paranormal.
hari pertama sesi pembelajaran aku dah datang lambat.check jadual kelas, malam sebelum lagi.die tulis kelas kat menara.aku dah nampak dua ketul menara betul-betul depan bilik aku.esok pagi semangat satu macam aku nak ke kelas.siap jalan pun depan sekali mcm expert tahu jalan.sekali terserempak dgn ex senior waktu kat uitm melaka.die cakap menara aku jauh.kene naik bas.
taknak beratus pulak bas dalam uitm ni.dah lah tak tahu menara itu secara spesifiknya kat mana.mmg main gila.bila tiba di destinasi yang ingin dituju.menganga mulut pandang bukit ...sejak bila aku ada minor subjek hiking ni?tinggi wa cakap lu.penat pakai baju kurung comey-comey,aku pandang kaki,fuh mujur pakai sandal,kalau dibuatnya kami pakai kasut tinggi mmg berpontensi besar dpt cancer tumit.
tapi basically kelas aku semua kat faculty.kalau tidak mmg cukup satu sem aku quit.kawen muda je lah.sem ini aku ade 9 subject.dalam otak dah lah separuh hati je nak buat degree. tapi bila da nak sambung macam-macam hal pun nak jadi.dorang mmg suka mainkan hati dan perasaan aku.tidak kah mereka tahu yang aku ini berjiwa halus mcm bapok.waktu nak reg course bukan main susah sampai kene ulang alik pergi office fac.
staff kat fac tu hari-hari mengadap muka aku yang comey nih kalau boleh buat jatuh cinta takpe jugak,ini naik muak ada lah!
tiba-tiba rindu uitm melaka.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
family portrait.
Setia mendengar
Sentiasa hadir
Ingat setiap ulangtahun
Setiap hari lahir
Tiba pagi Syawal
kaulah yang terawal
Ku sorok kitab balik tingkap penjara hinggap
Dalam diam ada seorang yang ku puja
Kau teristimewa tapi dia yang sempurna.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
disebalik ramadhan raya.
Assalamualaikum warga kota sekalian.selamat hari raya aidilfitri semuanya.bagaimana dengan percutian singkat yang diberikan oleh bos kalian? pasti sudah tamat tempoh bukan? sabarlah,hidup mmg tidak adil.
tahun ini, ramadhan yang paling mencabar tahap ketaqwaan ku kepada tuhan yang maha esa. almaklumlah bos aku mempunyai anak dara yang masih belum baligh,apatah lagi menunaikan rukun islam ketiga.
tiap-tiap hari dok sua kat aku biskut cream cheese. pastu makan habis penuh atas lantai.itu belum masuk lagi biskut raya yang bertukar ganti balang.bila tak lepas bukak,menangis sebak dgn aku suruh bukak.
well,aku start kerja dgn bos aku ini sekitar bulan april.orang kata aku ini bibik.tapi aku lebih selesa digelar gadis daycare.jadi tugas aku ialah mengemas rumah dan mengemas kini website bos aku.beliau seorang usahawan pakaian muslimah yang yg berjaya dan gagah perkasa*gaji belum masuk,so perangai kena tertib*
mula-mula kerja,aku mengalami culture shock.
alamak,majikan aku mempunyai anak berumur 1 thn!
aku pun berlagak cool.
oleh kerana kami masing-masing comey,sesi ice breaking pun tak lama.
meet Raha.
dia Wanita okey! ramai org ingat di boboy..sian dia.sobs~
kami saling melengkapi.kalau aku lipat baju,die bukak balik.kalau aku buka kotak,die duduk dalam kotak buat main khemah-khemah.kalau aku timbang barang,die duduk atas penimbang.risau jugak die dgn berat badan,aku igt kuat makan je.
dalam tempoh aku berkhidmat,aku juga berkenalan dgn bayi-bayi lain juga.
meet Aisyah.
Iya.ditangan nya itu ayam Kfc aku dan its drumstick..cis!
kami bertemu sewaktu aku jaga booth kat pkns bangi.
Aisyah,u know what,aku dah habis cover full series upin ipin gara-gara kau okey!
meet Ziyad.
dia menyimpan perasaan cinta yang amat mendalam pada Raha.
aku pernah tgk dia kemam sudu penuh air liur dlm mulut dia dan sesaat kemudian,sudu tu baik punya landing dlm mulut Raha pula.
euw,aku tak tahu apakah itu tanda bukti cinta bagi mereka berdua?!
Demi cinta dalam hatimu
Ku yakin engkau untukku
Meski jejak pisahkan kita
Cinta kan bawa kembali padamu.
sobs.i'll miss you lah.good bye my lover.ahh,benci ahh..aku rindu-rindu..die bukan igt aku pun bila besar nanti!
tahun ini, ramadhan yang paling mencabar tahap ketaqwaan ku kepada tuhan yang maha esa. almaklumlah bos aku mempunyai anak dara yang masih belum baligh,apatah lagi menunaikan rukun islam ketiga.
tiap-tiap hari dok sua kat aku biskut cream cheese. pastu makan habis penuh atas lantai.itu belum masuk lagi biskut raya yang bertukar ganti balang.bila tak lepas bukak,menangis sebak dgn aku suruh bukak.
well,aku start kerja dgn bos aku ini sekitar bulan april.orang kata aku ini bibik.tapi aku lebih selesa digelar gadis daycare.jadi tugas aku ialah mengemas rumah dan mengemas kini website bos aku.beliau seorang usahawan pakaian muslimah yang yg berjaya dan gagah perkasa*gaji belum masuk,so perangai kena tertib*
mula-mula kerja,aku mengalami culture shock.
alamak,majikan aku mempunyai anak berumur 1 thn!
aku pun berlagak cool.
oleh kerana kami masing-masing comey,sesi ice breaking pun tak lama.
meet Raha.
dia Wanita okey! ramai org ingat di boboy..sian dia.sobs~
dalam tempoh aku berkhidmat,aku juga berkenalan dgn bayi-bayi lain juga.
meet Aisyah.
Iya.ditangan nya itu ayam Kfc aku dan its drumstick..cis!
kami bertemu sewaktu aku jaga booth kat pkns bangi.
Aisyah,u know what,aku dah habis cover full series upin ipin gara-gara kau okey!
meet Ziyad.
dia menyimpan perasaan cinta yang amat mendalam pada Raha.
aku pernah tgk dia kemam sudu penuh air liur dlm mulut dia dan sesaat kemudian,sudu tu baik punya landing dlm mulut Raha pula.
euw,aku tak tahu apakah itu tanda bukti cinta bagi mereka berdua?!
Demi cinta dalam hatimu
Ku yakin engkau untukku
Meski jejak pisahkan kita
Cinta kan bawa kembali padamu.
Friday, August 3, 2012
nice word.
aku dapat class article ini dari facebook. dihasilkan oleh classmate aku yang gorgeous.budak-budak panggil die iker.jgn cakap aku muka dia persis iker cassilas weh!sumpah tidak.
sepanjang enam semester aku satu class dengan mamat kedah ini,dia seorang kaki condemn yang berjaya.aku kalau buat presentation,opinion dia memang aku buat-buat senak perut.ahah~
namun begitu, tak dapat tidak,beliau juga salah seorang insan yang banyak membantu aku yang comey ini dalam pembikinan esaimen. biasanya muka dia lah yang aku kene hadap dulu before submit esaimen..kiranya zaidi ni umpama mentor pujaan gadis-gadis bebal.
dear mister Zaidi, i am going to miss u too,man! please don't cry for me,Argentina.
Brain Brawn Beauties
I would exhale life after I have managed to recite the ‘Syahadah’ albeit with effort. But before I died I would be reminiscing my past; just like it was shown in movies, but I don’t know if the act of remembering the past prior dying is true, but if it really is then I would like to experience it. My memories of the yesteryears would be recalled back, the happy ones, the sad one and the great ones, the memorable ones and the forgetful ones…I would get the chance to relive them one last time.
I think, the most memorable of my many memories would be the moment when I am with my DMC 1 till 6B friends. It was tough to break the ice with most of my class members…but, hey, all that effort was not in vain because like I always say to myself ‘The Harder The Challenge, The Precious The Reward Is’. There were 31 of us and when I am about to die, I am definitely going to miss each and every one of them.
I’ll be missing ‘Iman’ for her Brittish-Accent and her strictness in directing a sketch that we did when we were in part 1, of which we’ve won first prize and not to mention the caring side that she shown in part 2, when we have our first ‘Heart-to-heart-talk’ session. I’m sorry for making you cried that time, I truly am sorry Iman.
There are few things that I’ll definitely remember about ‘Wani’. Among of the few things, is your coolness and awesomeness…honestly, I never regret befriending you. You don’t take shit from anyone and you don’t do shit to anyone and unlike any other girls I’ve came across with; you’re the first girl that can properly throw a right hook. P/S: I know that you have been authoring poems, so maybe one day you can read some of it to me, eh?
‘Wahida’. You’re funny and fun to talk with. I think it was hilarious and genuinely witty of how you directed your broadcasting assignment presentation. Seriously, the late-night show of ‘Kitchen Battle’ was deliciously amusing, the way you hosted it was pure comical. I am going to miss you, honestly.
He’s big, black and he smokes, but beneath those imperfections I realize that there’s a kindred spirit inside you ‘Auzan’. You’re the kind of guy that would put the needs of other before the needs of your own. A caring and a kind guy to be exact. You sincerely cared for others even when others do not care even for themselves. It is also inspiring, how you have the patience to withstand the 6Bs’ annoyance and can still smile at the same time, an amazing feat it is. But, frankly, the smoking has to stop.
Every class has their own ‘big brother’ and in our class ‘Ammar’ is the exact representation of such role. You’re like the most responsible and reliable person in the class, the only time the class prosper; in terms class notifications and reduction in absenteeism was the time we were under your reign. You have a charming personality that easily can win the trust of others.
‘Izyan’ is quite short-in-supply. She’s optimistic and refuses to say bad things to others but her constant fascination with anything that’s purple can sometime vex those who are nearby. To her, purple is an auspicious regal color that can boost one’s self esteem and increase brain activity; I highly doubt it though. I never get the chance to see you dance but from what I’ve heard…you’re really good at it. And for the last time “There is no such thing as purple roses!”
‘Salwa’ is fierce. She has the tendency to run amok upon the slightest provocation, which will prompt those who do not know her well enough, to be intimidated by her. People just always assume that she’s angry all the time but she’s not…”It’s called being sassy”; she says. Despite the occasional outburst, she’s genuinely a good and a hardworking girl. Honestly, I think you’d do well in public relations field.
If you judge ‘Yien’ by face value then you’ll be making a big mistake. Outside, he might look like an average run-of-the-mill kind of guy. Truth is, he’s like a walking database. He knows stuffs that most people don’t; heck, he knows more stuffs than I do. You’ll be surprise how informative he can be and he remembers like a lot. He read listens and watches news more than anybody I know. A must have partner in modern issue class.
‘Awe’ strays from the typical Kelantanese that were often stereotyped by others, he is friendly and befriends lots of people. He can become quite the chatterbox, enjoys cracking up jokes. Sometimes, he doesn’t have to do anything…yet he still makes me laugh. Like every other normal Kelantanese boys, he’s athletic, madly in love with the ‘Red Warriors’ and enjoys eating ‘Nasi Kerabu’.
‘Ej’ is big and brutal, no one in class; wait…no one in the faculty ever messes with him. He have this stocky built that made him look like mob leader or something. Your confidence and take-no-nonsense attitude was one of the factors that made you…respected or perhaps feared. Despite those fearsome demeanors, you’re actually quite romantic and soft; you’re like a chocolate turtle nugget, hard and crispy on the outside, soft and oozy in the inside. P/S: I had laughing fit really hard when I knew that you were into romantic novel :)
‘Nana’ is a good listener. Honestly, you can tell her all of your problems and she would just sit there, listening beside you. She would also offer to give you few practical advices, if you wanted to. Salwa told me that ‘Nana’ is a very caring person as she once went to her house and saw how deeply she cares for her younger siblings. By the way, you were utterly stunning when I first saw you wearing ‘Baju Kebaya’ and ‘Cucuk Sanggul’ in part 1, truly a traditional Malay muse.
I’ve always knew that ‘Pah’ came from an oasis in the middle-east, I just kid ya. But, she really does come from an Arabic bloodline. Like how others would often boast being born as a mix child, you, on the other hand, acts like it wasn’t that big of a deal. For as long as I can remember you were the only girl who can look fashionable while boasting a ‘tudung’. For the record, your obsession with Korean and Japanese drama is absolutely cute.
‘Ejat’, would be a person I’d be missing quite dearly when I’m gone. True, we have our share of bumps and bruises along the road and let’s just say you and I was quite the…you know, great mind thinks alike, which is why they can’t stand each other. You’re like the other-brother I never had and as for the girlfriend issue…you are an amazing guy whose heart is just too big for most girls to stand. I am gonna miss you.
If you look at ‘Aqnees’ at first glance, she seemed like the typical quiet and shy kind of girl, however such assumptions quickly dissipates the moment I get to know you the more. Let’s face it, if you were quiet and shy, there’s no way you’d be enrolling in the masscom faculty. Though you may be thin but you have this sophisticated lady aura and this feature of yours was further highlighted when you did your ‘Denim’ project. You look absolutely stunning in denim. P/S: Kind of missed the days where I’ve been flirting with you, it was fun though :)
Drop dead gorgeous, that’s the only term that can best describe ‘Alin’. I can bet almost everyone in class tried to woo you, when we were in part 1. But, I have discovered that looks isn’t your only forte…you are not the typical damsel in distress, I was in awe when one of my friends told me that you are capable of surviving well enough in a jungle during the PBSM road trip. Heh, I always knew you were more than just a pretty face. Stay beautiful.
‘Rott’ looks the kind of guy that doesn’t give a damn about anything that does not concern him and he looks more of an art and design student rather than masscom. You rarely take part in anything the classes do except for class assignments. But your passion in music and designing open my eyes to see you on a whole different spectrum. You were the first person I’ve talk to when I first entered UiTM. Take care and see ya roomie.
I did something worse to ‘Yusman’ when I first saw him…I judged him by the cover. He seemed kind of messy and flaky and of course with his surfer-dude hairstyle I was convinced that my hypothesis was correct, but after the third semester…I change my mind. You know what ‘Yusman’, you’re clever, smart and philosophical and I honestly loved listening to your views. I don’t care what you are in the past cause presently, you’re my pal and I am sorry that I can no longer watch your back once I’m gone.
I make it a point to disagree about anything that ‘Syazwan’ agrees and should he do the other way round, I would also do the same. I don’t know why I did it but maybe because you were confident and assertive of yourselves. You can literally move others when you talk. But…do tone down on the animosity.
Every classes has their own ‘hot stuff’, you know the one whom they call ‘Romeo’, ‘Skirt Chaser’ and ‘Ladies Man’. Well in our class we have none that bears such title, though most of the class members thinks that ‘Paan’ should bear such title, but honestly, ‘Paan’ is more of a ‘Hopeless Romantic’ rather than those three adjectives above. You are the master in the arts of wooing women cause you were seeing different girls everytime I passed by you. Seeing you playing with your little sister really makes me realize that you’re actually a family guy. P/S: Chicks digs those who read.
I don’t care what they say about you ‘Qaqa’, you’re beautiful, smart and has a wonderful personality. You have this likeable aura that people seldom has, that makes you easily approached, I knew it from the moment we trained for our class sketch. Just so you know…you were the first girl I’ve ever serenaded to.
In our class ‘Apish’ is the one who boldly indulge himself in fashion, you’re kind of the fashion guru within our class, a trendsetter; which no one in our class follows. You have the courage and confidence to wear striking dry-fit wear and flowery couture and actually know ‘Marc Jacob’. If there’s gonna be anyone within our class that’s going to venture into the modeling world, it’s you. A word of advice…you need to shave, like a lot :)
‘Adam’ is the self-proclaimed but class-acknowledged diva. But unlike any other diva that makes unreasonable requests and superficial demands, you’re a different kind of diva; a good kind. You are far from selfish and enjoy helping others that are in need and you can get along fine with anyone. Truth be told, I never witness you losing your temper, you were always so calm and cheery. Personally, I think you are the glue that holds the class together.
There’s only one adjective that can fully describe you, ‘Deena’. You’re bubbly. I do realize that sometimes, I might call you an airhead but time after time, I realize that ‘That girl aint no dumb blonde, she’s just ‘Elle Woods’ from Legally Blonde’. Your sunny optimism, can light up even the darkest place…so don’t change, please.
‘Zureen’ you have the one thing that I have been wanting so dearly, your height. The very moment I saw you, my first impression was “Woa! That is some tall girl”. But tallness isn’t your only strength, you have a great sight. You can see the goodness in everyone; you don’t judge and discriminate others…I salute you for that. P/S: I really do think you having the makings of a great mom.
The most carefree guy in our class is ‘Akmal’. He has this happy-go-lucky face and this wonderful jolly personality that can lift anyone’s spirit. Though there are times where he could be quite empty-headed and leaves reality to enter his own state-of-mind but that doesn’t mean he’s retarded…he’s just you know…have a very optimistic perspective on life.
‘Ihsan’ and I started knowing each other, the wrong way. He called me something which, resulted in me calling him a ‘Bitch!’ harsh? I know, but hey that was a long time ago…and I did apologize for it. True, you can, sometimes become quite dogmatic but after knowing you for 3 years…you’re genuinely a good and considerate guy. You’re the kind of guy that one can have an adult conversation with and not to mention you’re an excellent secret keeper. But please the sudden shouting has to stop.
‘Najwa’ you have to stop working so hard…seriously I can literally feel tired only just by looking at you. I do realize that you have this perpetual need to preoccupy yourself with something and I know that, hard work and diligence bears good fruit but…you don’t actually need that much of an excessive stress. Despite all that, I really think that it’s cool for a girl to be industrious, but be sure take care of your health. Plus, I really think you should ditch the heavy make-up thingy… you should go for a more natural look.
‘Fatin’, you’re a sweet and petite city gal and together with ‘Wani’ and I, we make up the ‘Melayu Celup’ group. But deep down I know that you’re more than just mere smiles and sunshine. It was during the 5th semester that I have realized that you truly are a conscientious and a reliable person. Aside from that, you’re the smartest girl I’ve ever met… you’re kind of like the guy from the ‘Beautiful Minds’, minus the craziness :)
Frankly speaking, I found ‘Shah’ very peculiar. He’s like this mysterious alien life-form of which I have no idea where he originates from. Relax, I’m just kidding, although ‘Shah’ can be quite introvert and sometimes speaks in tongue that no one else can fathom but he means no harm, in fact he’s quite the gentlemen. He’s actually pretty skillful in photography, the pictures he took…can ‘Wow!’ anyone.
‘Farid’ is not gifted in designing, he a genius at it. Everything that he designed looks like it was designed by professional designers. Now I know that the both of us had our ups and downs and that we seldom see eye-to-eye but the one thing that I’ll remember about you is that you are generous, especially when it comes down to foods. You are always honest about everything and tried to tell the truth regardless of condition, which sometimes can be quite exasperating to others, but hey, truth hurts, right? P/S: I have wronged you in so many ways…and this is the only way I know how to say…I’m sorry.
Alas, I have reached the end of will…though time changes everything but my feelings for you guys will withstood even the harshest trials and tribulations that time enacts. Therein lies the memoirs of 6B; “Brains, Brawns and Beauties, Who Lead a Life Full of Passion, Regardless of Trivialities”
I think, the most memorable of my many memories would be the moment when I am with my DMC 1 till 6B friends. It was tough to break the ice with most of my class members…but, hey, all that effort was not in vain because like I always say to myself ‘The Harder The Challenge, The Precious The Reward Is’. There were 31 of us and when I am about to die, I am definitely going to miss each and every one of them.
I’ll be missing ‘Iman’ for her Brittish-Accent and her strictness in directing a sketch that we did when we were in part 1, of which we’ve won first prize and not to mention the caring side that she shown in part 2, when we have our first ‘Heart-to-heart-talk’ session. I’m sorry for making you cried that time, I truly am sorry Iman.
There are few things that I’ll definitely remember about ‘Wani’. Among of the few things, is your coolness and awesomeness…honestly, I never regret befriending you. You don’t take shit from anyone and you don’t do shit to anyone and unlike any other girls I’ve came across with; you’re the first girl that can properly throw a right hook. P/S: I know that you have been authoring poems, so maybe one day you can read some of it to me, eh?
‘Wahida’. You’re funny and fun to talk with. I think it was hilarious and genuinely witty of how you directed your broadcasting assignment presentation. Seriously, the late-night show of ‘Kitchen Battle’ was deliciously amusing, the way you hosted it was pure comical. I am going to miss you, honestly.
He’s big, black and he smokes, but beneath those imperfections I realize that there’s a kindred spirit inside you ‘Auzan’. You’re the kind of guy that would put the needs of other before the needs of your own. A caring and a kind guy to be exact. You sincerely cared for others even when others do not care even for themselves. It is also inspiring, how you have the patience to withstand the 6Bs’ annoyance and can still smile at the same time, an amazing feat it is. But, frankly, the smoking has to stop.
Every class has their own ‘big brother’ and in our class ‘Ammar’ is the exact representation of such role. You’re like the most responsible and reliable person in the class, the only time the class prosper; in terms class notifications and reduction in absenteeism was the time we were under your reign. You have a charming personality that easily can win the trust of others.
‘Izyan’ is quite short-in-supply. She’s optimistic and refuses to say bad things to others but her constant fascination with anything that’s purple can sometime vex those who are nearby. To her, purple is an auspicious regal color that can boost one’s self esteem and increase brain activity; I highly doubt it though. I never get the chance to see you dance but from what I’ve heard…you’re really good at it. And for the last time “There is no such thing as purple roses!”
‘Salwa’ is fierce. She has the tendency to run amok upon the slightest provocation, which will prompt those who do not know her well enough, to be intimidated by her. People just always assume that she’s angry all the time but she’s not…”It’s called being sassy”; she says. Despite the occasional outburst, she’s genuinely a good and a hardworking girl. Honestly, I think you’d do well in public relations field.
If you judge ‘Yien’ by face value then you’ll be making a big mistake. Outside, he might look like an average run-of-the-mill kind of guy. Truth is, he’s like a walking database. He knows stuffs that most people don’t; heck, he knows more stuffs than I do. You’ll be surprise how informative he can be and he remembers like a lot. He read listens and watches news more than anybody I know. A must have partner in modern issue class.
‘Awe’ strays from the typical Kelantanese that were often stereotyped by others, he is friendly and befriends lots of people. He can become quite the chatterbox, enjoys cracking up jokes. Sometimes, he doesn’t have to do anything…yet he still makes me laugh. Like every other normal Kelantanese boys, he’s athletic, madly in love with the ‘Red Warriors’ and enjoys eating ‘Nasi Kerabu’.
‘Ej’ is big and brutal, no one in class; wait…no one in the faculty ever messes with him. He have this stocky built that made him look like mob leader or something. Your confidence and take-no-nonsense attitude was one of the factors that made you…respected or perhaps feared. Despite those fearsome demeanors, you’re actually quite romantic and soft; you’re like a chocolate turtle nugget, hard and crispy on the outside, soft and oozy in the inside. P/S: I had laughing fit really hard when I knew that you were into romantic novel :)
‘Nana’ is a good listener. Honestly, you can tell her all of your problems and she would just sit there, listening beside you. She would also offer to give you few practical advices, if you wanted to. Salwa told me that ‘Nana’ is a very caring person as she once went to her house and saw how deeply she cares for her younger siblings. By the way, you were utterly stunning when I first saw you wearing ‘Baju Kebaya’ and ‘Cucuk Sanggul’ in part 1, truly a traditional Malay muse.
I’ve always knew that ‘Pah’ came from an oasis in the middle-east, I just kid ya. But, she really does come from an Arabic bloodline. Like how others would often boast being born as a mix child, you, on the other hand, acts like it wasn’t that big of a deal. For as long as I can remember you were the only girl who can look fashionable while boasting a ‘tudung’. For the record, your obsession with Korean and Japanese drama is absolutely cute.
‘Ejat’, would be a person I’d be missing quite dearly when I’m gone. True, we have our share of bumps and bruises along the road and let’s just say you and I was quite the…you know, great mind thinks alike, which is why they can’t stand each other. You’re like the other-brother I never had and as for the girlfriend issue…you are an amazing guy whose heart is just too big for most girls to stand. I am gonna miss you.
If you look at ‘Aqnees’ at first glance, she seemed like the typical quiet and shy kind of girl, however such assumptions quickly dissipates the moment I get to know you the more. Let’s face it, if you were quiet and shy, there’s no way you’d be enrolling in the masscom faculty. Though you may be thin but you have this sophisticated lady aura and this feature of yours was further highlighted when you did your ‘Denim’ project. You look absolutely stunning in denim. P/S: Kind of missed the days where I’ve been flirting with you, it was fun though :)
Drop dead gorgeous, that’s the only term that can best describe ‘Alin’. I can bet almost everyone in class tried to woo you, when we were in part 1. But, I have discovered that looks isn’t your only forte…you are not the typical damsel in distress, I was in awe when one of my friends told me that you are capable of surviving well enough in a jungle during the PBSM road trip. Heh, I always knew you were more than just a pretty face. Stay beautiful.
‘Rott’ looks the kind of guy that doesn’t give a damn about anything that does not concern him and he looks more of an art and design student rather than masscom. You rarely take part in anything the classes do except for class assignments. But your passion in music and designing open my eyes to see you on a whole different spectrum. You were the first person I’ve talk to when I first entered UiTM. Take care and see ya roomie.
I did something worse to ‘Yusman’ when I first saw him…I judged him by the cover. He seemed kind of messy and flaky and of course with his surfer-dude hairstyle I was convinced that my hypothesis was correct, but after the third semester…I change my mind. You know what ‘Yusman’, you’re clever, smart and philosophical and I honestly loved listening to your views. I don’t care what you are in the past cause presently, you’re my pal and I am sorry that I can no longer watch your back once I’m gone.
I make it a point to disagree about anything that ‘Syazwan’ agrees and should he do the other way round, I would also do the same. I don’t know why I did it but maybe because you were confident and assertive of yourselves. You can literally move others when you talk. But…do tone down on the animosity.
Every classes has their own ‘hot stuff’, you know the one whom they call ‘Romeo’, ‘Skirt Chaser’ and ‘Ladies Man’. Well in our class we have none that bears such title, though most of the class members thinks that ‘Paan’ should bear such title, but honestly, ‘Paan’ is more of a ‘Hopeless Romantic’ rather than those three adjectives above. You are the master in the arts of wooing women cause you were seeing different girls everytime I passed by you. Seeing you playing with your little sister really makes me realize that you’re actually a family guy. P/S: Chicks digs those who read.
I don’t care what they say about you ‘Qaqa’, you’re beautiful, smart and has a wonderful personality. You have this likeable aura that people seldom has, that makes you easily approached, I knew it from the moment we trained for our class sketch. Just so you know…you were the first girl I’ve ever serenaded to.
In our class ‘Apish’ is the one who boldly indulge himself in fashion, you’re kind of the fashion guru within our class, a trendsetter; which no one in our class follows. You have the courage and confidence to wear striking dry-fit wear and flowery couture and actually know ‘Marc Jacob’. If there’s gonna be anyone within our class that’s going to venture into the modeling world, it’s you. A word of advice…you need to shave, like a lot :)
‘Adam’ is the self-proclaimed but class-acknowledged diva. But unlike any other diva that makes unreasonable requests and superficial demands, you’re a different kind of diva; a good kind. You are far from selfish and enjoy helping others that are in need and you can get along fine with anyone. Truth be told, I never witness you losing your temper, you were always so calm and cheery. Personally, I think you are the glue that holds the class together.
There’s only one adjective that can fully describe you, ‘Deena’. You’re bubbly. I do realize that sometimes, I might call you an airhead but time after time, I realize that ‘That girl aint no dumb blonde, she’s just ‘Elle Woods’ from Legally Blonde’. Your sunny optimism, can light up even the darkest place…so don’t change, please.
‘Zureen’ you have the one thing that I have been wanting so dearly, your height. The very moment I saw you, my first impression was “Woa! That is some tall girl”. But tallness isn’t your only strength, you have a great sight. You can see the goodness in everyone; you don’t judge and discriminate others…I salute you for that. P/S: I really do think you having the makings of a great mom.
The most carefree guy in our class is ‘Akmal’. He has this happy-go-lucky face and this wonderful jolly personality that can lift anyone’s spirit. Though there are times where he could be quite empty-headed and leaves reality to enter his own state-of-mind but that doesn’t mean he’s retarded…he’s just you know…have a very optimistic perspective on life.
‘Ihsan’ and I started knowing each other, the wrong way. He called me something which, resulted in me calling him a ‘Bitch!’ harsh? I know, but hey that was a long time ago…and I did apologize for it. True, you can, sometimes become quite dogmatic but after knowing you for 3 years…you’re genuinely a good and considerate guy. You’re the kind of guy that one can have an adult conversation with and not to mention you’re an excellent secret keeper. But please the sudden shouting has to stop.
‘Najwa’ you have to stop working so hard…seriously I can literally feel tired only just by looking at you. I do realize that you have this perpetual need to preoccupy yourself with something and I know that, hard work and diligence bears good fruit but…you don’t actually need that much of an excessive stress. Despite all that, I really think that it’s cool for a girl to be industrious, but be sure take care of your health. Plus, I really think you should ditch the heavy make-up thingy… you should go for a more natural look.
‘Fatin’, you’re a sweet and petite city gal and together with ‘Wani’ and I, we make up the ‘Melayu Celup’ group. But deep down I know that you’re more than just mere smiles and sunshine. It was during the 5th semester that I have realized that you truly are a conscientious and a reliable person. Aside from that, you’re the smartest girl I’ve ever met… you’re kind of like the guy from the ‘Beautiful Minds’, minus the craziness :)
Frankly speaking, I found ‘Shah’ very peculiar. He’s like this mysterious alien life-form of which I have no idea where he originates from. Relax, I’m just kidding, although ‘Shah’ can be quite introvert and sometimes speaks in tongue that no one else can fathom but he means no harm, in fact he’s quite the gentlemen. He’s actually pretty skillful in photography, the pictures he took…can ‘Wow!’ anyone.
‘Farid’ is not gifted in designing, he a genius at it. Everything that he designed looks like it was designed by professional designers. Now I know that the both of us had our ups and downs and that we seldom see eye-to-eye but the one thing that I’ll remember about you is that you are generous, especially when it comes down to foods. You are always honest about everything and tried to tell the truth regardless of condition, which sometimes can be quite exasperating to others, but hey, truth hurts, right? P/S: I have wronged you in so many ways…and this is the only way I know how to say…I’m sorry.
Alas, I have reached the end of will…though time changes everything but my feelings for you guys will withstood even the harshest trials and tribulations that time enacts. Therein lies the memoirs of 6B; “Brains, Brawns and Beauties, Who Lead a Life Full of Passion, Regardless of Trivialities”
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Terlalu banyak yang terjadi didalam hidupku
aku selalu berada dipersimpangan
persimpangan yang menentukan dua takdir yang berbeza
aku sedar setiap persimpangan itu
aku harus memilih antaranya
manusia tidak akan dapat kesemuanya
hidup ini terlalu singkat utk memikirkan perihal yang amat panjang
walaupun sesuatu yang amat singkat akan berlaku dalam kehidupanku yang terasa perlahan
kerana aku menemui mu sekarang dalam kehilangan ku dimasa lampau.
-Zamani,Gerimis Mengundang.
P/S:dompet kini kembali disisi.well,i know u love me..who doesn't kan?!
aku selalu berada dipersimpangan
persimpangan yang menentukan dua takdir yang berbeza
aku sedar setiap persimpangan itu
aku harus memilih antaranya
manusia tidak akan dapat kesemuanya
hidup ini terlalu singkat utk memikirkan perihal yang amat panjang
walaupun sesuatu yang amat singkat akan berlaku dalam kehidupanku yang terasa perlahan
kerana aku menemui mu sekarang dalam kehilangan ku dimasa lampau.
-Zamani,Gerimis Mengundang.
P/S:dompet kini kembali disisi.well,i know u love me..who doesn't kan?!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
mari berkabung.
hari yang indah bukan?
oke.bukan bagi aku yang terluka hatinya.
aku kehilangan multipurpose dompet yang dipenuhi lambakan bill mydin ,mentos,ic dan license.
kejadian ini terjadi kira-kira 12.30 mlm tadi ketika aku sibuk-sibuk nak isi borang seminar utk sabtu ini.
standard procedure kenalah isi segala datuknenek perihal rumah tangga semua. aku macam oh yeah kacang dia standard-standard penuhkan borang nikah je. aku pun bangun utk mendapatkan ic.almaklumlah aku ade bluriphobic syndrome iaitu masalah tak confident ejaan nama sendiri.ahh,kau jgn buat keje bangang pegi google pulak term tu!
lepas satu tempat ke satu tempat aku cari.
bermula di meja makan ,meja tv dan berakhir di meja telephone.
3 tempat ni memang tempat biasa aku parkingkan dompet tersebut.
darah mahsuri yang mengalir dalam tubuhku ini mulai gemuruh.
ahh ini serius! manelah pulak dompet durjana ni bawak diri?
dari sesi mencari kini menjadi expedisi geledah bersama keluarga.
semua tempat kami explore.
mana je tempat aku tak cari.semua takde..nangis-nangis gua cari sambil bukak oven kuih tart mak kot-kot ada.
itu belum kira lagi pagi-pagi buta gua turun kat car park yang sejak akhir-akhir ini penuh dengan kejadian mistik.
sana-sini tak jumpa.aku dah sebulat suara give up.
petang ini aku igt nak buat report.
aku igt aku kuat rupa-rupanya tidak.dengar lagu second serenade .mengalir mcm tangki syabas air mata ku.
sob-sob..kembali lah dompet..ade ic wajah darjah enam lagi. :-(
it made me learn to hate u
or hate myself for
letting u pass by
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
sometimes i'm so sweet even i can't stand it.
you know you're in love when love song start making sense.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
rombakan 2012
i am a big girl in the big world.
memandangkan aku sudah masuk umur 21 tahun .jadi wajib utk aku melakukan perubahan secara berkala dlm diri ini.
urusan hidup dan masa depan bukan lagi satu hal yang main-main. aku takut kalau aku buat keputusan yang silap hanya kerana ambil mudah ttg sesetengah perkara.
aku takut kalau aku menangis nanti.
kalau aku menangis..itu mmg hal serius.
byk perkara yang perlu diubah...
novel.*this is a serious matter. yes-yes.urghh*
beri aku masa.sedikit masa.mungkin banyak.
aku nak kejar cita-cita.
aku nak kejar angan-angan.
tolong beri aku kejar!
Monday, March 19, 2012
uitm dihati ku?
yah..yah..aku sudah tamat pengajian di uitm,lendu,melaka setelah hampir 3 tahun jugak lah aku terdampar di sana.tetapi sehingga kini aku masih solo lagi.lecturer-lecturer kat sini sume pakat nak kapel dengan rakan sekerja saja,manelah nak pandang gadis sunti lagi gebu macam aku ni.
"kau pandang lecturer buat ape..cube pandang student!"
apak hang,student kat sini sume kuat nangis,waktu koko pun selalu buat2 pengsan sebab tak tahan kawat kaki tengah panas!
berbicara tentang tenaga pengajar,aku pernah meminati seorang lecturer ni,die ajar aku waktu part 3 and part 5 .die sangat lembut..eh..eh..bukan..bukan lembut macam hidupan laut.lembut yang sasa..aih ape aku describe ni..dah mcm ade selit unsur yang memerlukan parental guide je.
die mengajar pun relax je.terang pun baik-baik je walaupun haram jadah aku tak ambik port waktu die mengajar. duduk dalam computer lab..mmg hanyut dalam arus pemodenan alam siber lah gua.waktu tu mane ade org sibuk ber bbm lagi..tak famous mcm sekarang..eleh,aku cakap mcm lah aku ni pengguna blackberry.
yang tak syoknya belajar kelas die selalu kene buat mende2 technical yang ade dalam computer..aku ni tahap bebal mmg gred A.
jadi selalu aku panggil die suruh ajar..ewah,skill nak meng adjust anak bujang org tu penting.nak belajar mengorat meh menuntut dengan aku,mane tahu one day aku boleh keluarkan buku
"adjust your lecturer for dummies"
tapi itulah..sorang pun tak lekat..pro tak pro lah aku ni.
seronok dgn sir ni..die kalau beri tujuk ajar kat artwork aku,within 5 minutes ,
eh..dah siap sir?!*buat-buat terkejut*
ketabsuban aku pada die mula bubar pada suatu petang yang hening.
eh bubar ke pudar?aku pun dah keliru,punyelah patah seribu hatiku sampai nak bila ayat pun dah tak reti.
begini,petang itu aku pun tak tau apahal kelas aku bising die dah mcm buat demostrasi jalanan.agak tak terkawal.aku pun buat dek je.sibuk dengan laman sosial sampai tak peduli ape jadi kat kelas.kuasa telepati aku takde pula beri signal apa-apa.
tiba-tiba...aku dengar suara yang menengking sampai terdiam satu kelas termasuk aku yang sememangnye diam je dari awal kelas..sibuk mengintai classmates main farmville kat meja depan.
"kamu tahu tak kelas ni dah macam pasar?!!!!"
automatik die baling marker kat tangan...fuh lagi sikit nak kena aku !
dengan kelajuan cahaya dalam vakum yang dianggarkan 299792458 meter sesaat ini,
pergh! berpotensi besar aku menang pakej penginapan hospital kerajaan melaka 3 hari 2 malam.
kalau kene,sia-sia aku tatang bagai minyak yang penuh muke aku yang gorgeous ni selame 21 tahun hidup di muka bumi ini alik2 kena baling dgn batang marker.
sejak dari peristiwa itu aku terus was-was utk menyimpan perasaan dgn die.ahaha.
aku sangka kan die ikan koi yang tampak cantik dan membawa ong,
dan semester seterusnya rakan seperjuang aku tiba tiba berkata,
sir dah bertunang.
you have no chance,man!
ala,tak menyempat-nyempat,kalau iye pun tunggulah aku blah dari lendu dulu!
itu lah salah satu kenangan di uitm yang penuh rencah asam garam pahit manis yang kalau di gaul bersama dah boleh buat hidangan lengkap makan malam.
tapi its okey sbb aku mempunyai rangkaian member yang sungguh awesome yang menerima aku yang serba serbi banyak kelebihan ini.
surround yourself with people who know you worth!
wrap for part 6.
jumpe kat shah alam!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
assalamualaikum ,salam satu malaysia.
pagi ini aku bangun awal kerana Puan Norlia yang gorgeous salah kejut.
secara am nya beliau ingin mengejut adilah atau name timangannya si tompok.tetapi aku tidak menyalahkan emak seratus peratus atas kesilapan teknikal tersebut lantaran saiz tubuh badan dilah semakin memgembang dari hari ke hari seperti belon panas yang terbang bebas di udara.
kesan dari kesilapan itu,aku terus terjaga. bila terjaga terus ingat nak breakfast bijirin berkhasiat tetapi malangnya harapan tinggal impian.perut ku yang berbunyi diabaikan tanpa perhatian masyarakat.tengok kucing jiran sebelah punya whiskas pun boleh tahan.tangan gagal nak rembat lepas tuh campur dengan susu low fat..yummeeeh.
sesi treasure hunt pun bermula.start dari peti ais sehingga ke beg tangan untuk mencari sesuap rejeki.
alhamdullillah berbekalkan keazaman dan iktikad..aku berjaya menemui segulung hudson berperisa honey lemon utn dijadikan santapan di pagi hari.
tengok barat tak barat juge gua nih sarapan gula-gula!
selesai makan aku terus buka youtube utk menyaksikan siaran ulangan anugerah juara lagu.biasalah aku nih workaholic sgt sampai tak sempat nak tgk siaran secara live.
start dari arrangement lagu ,konsep persembahan sehingga ke make up muka setiap penyanyi itu,aku akan comment sorang-sorang dalam hati.nak comment terang-terangan mcm tak layak pula kerana aku mempunyai record ditendang keluar dari kumpulan nasyid al-balqis suatu masa dahulu gara-gara membawa suara ramli sarip.
habis utk tahun ini,aku buka ajl 2002.'siti nurhaliza-bicara manis menghiris kalbu'. aku dgr lagu ini waktu darjah 5. zaman baru start bercinta dgn anak jiran belakang rumah.kalau dengar lagu ini mmg berperasaan habis.bergolek-golek atas katil mcm little mermaid.haih..rase diri ini mcm princess habis!
aku pun dengar balik sambil imbas balik kisah percintaan.dengar punye dengar..
lagu putus cinta ke yang aku dengar dulu...
mmg padan aku kene tinggal !
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